Bridge Closure, Wednesday, June 29, 2022

C A U T I O N B R I D G E C L O S U R E Bridge Repair Work, Wednesday, June 29th 8:30am UPDATED post!! Volunteers will be doing repair work to the railings of the French River Bridge on the Butter Trail, Wednesday June 29, 2022, starting […]
Trail Gates

Trail Gates Trail users are advised we are encountering unauthorized closing of the red gates on the trail. This has happened on several occasions on parts of the trial, and Sunday morning, June 19th, all gates across 26km were closed. These gates should be left open, and closed only by authority of DNR in the […]
International Trails Day

International Trails Day – Saturday, June 4, 2022 Come celebrate our trail with us! Revision May 27th: Change in BBQ meet time / start time from noon to 12:30 pm
Trail Care Grant

Great news! Our Trail is excited to announce that we received a #TrailCare grant from #TransCanadaTrail! #ThankYouTCT #funding #impact #socialgood. Stay tuned for a #SpringClean-up event for our community volunteers in early June.